Monday, October 11, 2010

Playing at the Park

We met with some co-op friends for a picnic in the park to enjoy this gorgeous weather! Naturally, the creek had as much appeal as the playground :-).
Love this Keegy expression :D
You can't blame people for what they don't know, I realize that. And I understand that a lot of people really don't know and they should ask questions. However, I still find it slightly humorous when I run into people who believe that all home schooled children are lonely isolated things who have no contact with the outside world.
Our main difficulty is keeping our activities controlled enough that we have enough time at home to do all the things we need to do. We are blessed to be part of some great groups - an amazing dance studio, a wonderful theater group, a super co-op, and a very loving church, to name a few.
If you ever considered homeschooling, but worried that your kids would be isolated, don't let that hold you back. Obviously the socializing is different than in school, but there's plenty, if you want it :-). I'll get off my soapbox now, this busy day just brought it all to mind :).

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