Friday, April 22, 2011

Yet another new blog....

An unexpected result of wi-fi -
evidently I load A LOT more pictures than I used to!  (Or maybe blogger has changed policies.)  Anyway, in 126 posts on this blog, I have exceeded my photo quota, which I never did on the old blog.  So now, on to blog #3.  if you want to join us, the newest) address is and it should have a post up soon!

Blogging question

Well, as of this morning, I have "exceeded your photo upload quota."  Has this happened to anyone else?  Do I have to start paying to load pictures if I want to keep blogging?  That does not sound like an option I want to pursue :p.  If anyone knows about this and would share your knowledge with me, I would appreciate it!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Atlanta!, part 2

Then we were off to.....
where we saw this
cool globe thing that changed to look like any planet as you touched a screen, and these
and many other interesting animals.
then, realizing that we were at the wrong Atlanta Fernbank Museum (yes, really,) we went here
and did quite a bit of this
Plus some things like this

Then, finally, this

this, (everyone else was less enamored of walking around than I was, haha,)

 and THIS

You can understand why Kelsey said in the car this evening, "I am REALLY liking Atlanta!"

Atlanta! Chinse Acrobats

Actually this post contains no pictures of the Chinese Acrobats :(.  No photography was allowed, so just take my word for it that it was really, really cool :)!

Unintentionally, we were the first ones there for our show.  So, we waited on this bench.....
but it was totally worth it because we got the best seats ever!
They led us in to the 3rd row (no one sat in 1 and 2,) front and center. 
The seats could not have been any better.

And the performing arts centre was beautiful....
Keegan amusing herself with the camera before the show starts

Kelsey amusing herself with the camera before the show starts...

Caitlyn didn't amuse herself with the camera, sorry to disappoint ;)

Then the show started.  It was so kewl :)!  We had watched a few clips on Youtube (have a mentioned I have wireless internet now?!?!?!?!,) but it was so much better in person.

So, so SO fun!
Then we were off to......

Friday, April 15, 2011

End of Semester Program

Caitlyn's sign language class (well, 2 of them, actually) performing "I Love you, Lord."

Kelsey's piano-by-ear class
Hannah and Kelsey played a duet
Caitlyn's piano-by-ear class

Keegan (whose classes didn't do anything in the program) was quite happy holding our cute friend, Kerrigan

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Kelsey Quote

Out of nowhere...., "Did you ever hear of someone who grew up in the desert and drank cacti water?  Then moved to the city and drank city water?"

Sometimes I wonder what is going on in that brain of hers.  Of course, often, she tells me :).

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April Fools'

April Fools' Day again - this year the girls and I made fish sticks, mashed potatoes, and green peas.  In reality, it is sugar wafers, covered in peanut butter and crushed corn flakes, ice cream, and green candy.  Looked pretty real. 
 We hoped Bill would think the joke was the smiley face arrangement of the plate.

Well, Bill was not totally fooled, so the next day Kelsey wanted to try again.  We made Chicken Not Pie.  Also looked pretty real, especially from a distance.  If the pudding was just a little thinner, it would have been perfect.
 With whipped cream in the glasses instead of milk :)
Caitlyn and Keegan spotted that right away, but we had fun trying, anyway :)!

These and lots of other neat ideas are from

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Our First Cat Show

 The girls and I recently attended our first cat show.  As you can see, there were many, many cats.  (And a cat stroller for sale at the bottom of the picture.)   We saw lots of  breeds, including hairless ones, and very large Maine Coons, who look amazing like our Jumpy-cat.  The girls got to help brush a long-haired cat before it was shown and were given several winning ribbons.
The judging was fun and interesting to watch.  The judges would explain traits of different breeds - things like the length of a Siamese's body should be the same as the length of its tail. We loved seeing the kitten groups and also watched the best of show judging.  Each ring had a scratching post as part of it.  Some of the more lively competitors climbed right up the posts :)!

Definitely a fun afternoon

Monday, April 11, 2011

Dog Days of Spring :)

Each week we volunteer at the animal shelter, walking dogs, and petting cats.  This spring weather is perfect for taking out the dogs and boy are they enjoying it!
This dog with Caitlyn is possibly the sweetest dog ever!  I am so sad it hasn't been adopted yet.  Caitlyn is not a big dog person, yet even she has been won over by the loving disposition of this dog.  It will flop itself down in your lap, just like a cat.  Then she will just lie there, looking at you adoringly, waiting to be petted.  Super sweet.  If you want a dog, or are even considering it, this dog is a doll!

 All the dogs are so happy for a chance to get out and about.
 I love this picture of a happy Kelsey with a happy pup!
 Keegan with a cute puppy.  Amazing how all puppies are so cute, isn't it?
Almost as cute as these girls :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Playing with Brooklin

We love Brooklin!  She is so cute and sweet.  And already a year old.  We were so sad to miss her birthay party because of rotten strep throat, but got to see her not too much later.  She didn't appear to hold a grudge :).
 Brooklin flinging herself backwards, with Kelsey helping make sure she doesn't fall too far back!
 Keegy showing her her picture on the cell phone.  Only a year old and already she loves the cell phone!
 What a doll.
