Thursday, October 21, 2010

Girls' weekend

Although Caitlyn had been sick, she, her friend Rayonna, Rayonna's mom, and I took a weekend trip to Nashville for the Tennessee Association of Dance's annual conference. I was concerned she would not feel well enough to enjoy it. She was a bit tired, but felt good, took all her classes, and had a great time!
She and I enjoyed having some time together, plus she enjoyed getting to go somewhere with her friend. Bill took great care of Keegan and Kelsey at home. Whenever I called to check in (which was pretty frequently :-) they were reading, playing games, cooking, or cleaning up from eating(!!!) I was surprised by how much I could miss them in only a couple of days.
Caitlyn enjoyed classes in ballet, pointe, pilates, floor barre, and improv. OK, she didn't really enjoy the improv, but she took it, anyway :-). She really liked the ballet and floor barre teachers and took 2 classes from each. She and Rayonna are going to teach the floor barre work at their studio this week. We all enjoyed the cafeteria ;-).
PLUS, there was a raffle, and Caitlyn won it! A t-shirt (in the picture,) tote bag, year's subscription to Dance magazine, AND free registration to next year's conference! WOOT!
AND, while Caitlyn was in class, I went Christmas shopping. Not often I hit a Toys R Us alone!

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