Sunday, October 17, 2010

More bedtime reading

There are definite advantages to being the youngest child of the family - people tend to think you're very cute, you get carried and snuggled a lot, you get to be involved in many activities at a younger age because your siblings are, and on and on - but there are also disadvantages.
For Kelsey, a big one has been not having a chapter book "of her own" to read at bedtime. Also never to be the first one reading a cool book because by the time she gets to it, it's old news to everybody else. Caitlyn is so much older, of course, we read separately with her. Since Keegan and Kelsey are close in age, we tend to choose books they would both enjoy and read them together. When Keegan turned 9, we started reading the Narnia series with her. This left poor Kelse feeling left out because she was the only one without her own special book going at any given time.

We have finally remedied that situation. As of last Sunday, Kelsey is the proud reader of _Teddy in Tree,_ which no one in our family has ever read. She is the only one reading it now - no one else gets to listen in :-). So, finally, my littlest girl can say, "Guess what happened in my book?" and no one knows the answer except her :-).

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