Sunday, November 21, 2010

Our cup of tea

These people are precisely our cup of tea! The best part of a show is the people -
Angela, aka "Anna" - her first time in one of these productions and she earned the lea0 with her beautiful voice - the wonderful people involved in the show -

Lun Tah and our special friends and family who come and support the girls (including our wonderfully sweet church friends of whom I never seem to take a picture!)
Miss Marilyn is awesome! She is the amazing director behind all of this. She is positive, uplifting, patient, in-control, determined, and able to bring out the talent in every member of her casts. We adore her!!!!!!!!Miss Barbara - the sweet, talented, creative lady in charge of costumes. She always does a wonderful job!!!!!!The snowflake group :0)Caitlyn and her good buddy, Rayonna, who was a scientific dog. She has an awfully pretty smile for a ferocious scientific dog, doesn't she?These make-up folks turned Keegan and Kelsey white and Caitlyn tan and white! Our precious, adorable great-niece/cousin Brooklin stole the show the night she came :) She was so cute and well-behaved. The only problem with her visit was that she wanted her Mamaw instead of her Aunt Cindy when it was time to fall asleep :(. We loved seeing Mamaw, Aunt Lisa, and Uncle Marty, too, but didn't take their pictures :-).
The girls with Elizabeth, aka "Eliza," as in , "Run, Eliza, run. Run from Simon!" Elizabeth was the person we hoped would get cast as Eliza. She did, and did a wonderful job! With Caitlyn's oldest friend, Rebekah Lindsay - It worked out at the last minute for her to come to the show and spend the night with Caitlyn. We were so glad! Notice how dark Caitlyn's feet are? "Tanning" over 90 people took a lot of time and work!
There were many other special people, too (I know you thought I posted every single person there, but truly, I didn't ;-).
I can't believe it's over. Can't wait until next year.
Now on to birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, then the ballet!

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